Information extraction from pre-employment declaration documents

This synchronous API exctracts in real-time relevant information from pre-employment declarations.

The extracted key information from the pre-employment declaration includes:

  • Employee's full name name: The name of the employee.
  • Employer's SIRET number: The SIRET number of the employer.

Maximum file size: 5 MB.
Maximum number of calls per minute: 10 calls.

For better results, it is highly recommended to provide pre-employment declarations that meet the following criteria:

  • The document should be clear and legible, with a resolution greater than 200 DPI.
  • The document must not be blurred or rotated.
  • Ensure that there are no highlights or shadows on the text area, especially in case of a scanned document.
  • The entire document must be within the frame.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!