Information extraction from identity cards

This synchronous API extracts information and verifies ID documents:

  • French national ID Cards (2003 or 2021 card)
  • French biometric Passports
  • French living Permits (2011 or 2021 card)
  • French driver License (2013 dard)
  • Foreign ID Cards: biometric passport, national ID card and living permit.

The API extract in real-time relevant information and control information.
Control information (depends on the type of identity card):

  • Data coherency: verifies the format and the content of the extracted information.
  • Visual controls: verifies visual conformity of the card.
  • Metadata: verifies the metadata of the files for alterations on the document.

A UserInput information can be provided to match with the extracted information:

  • first name.
  • last name.
  • birth date.
  • gender.
  • photo: The photo must be in portrait format and the face must be visible and not covered.

The API returns the following error codes:

Code Code Name Description
1.0 conform The document has been fully verified by the AI, it is valid and conform
2.1 blurry The document could not be processed: Blurriness
2.2 readability The document could not be processed: Could not read textual information
2.3 reflections The document could not be processed: Reflections
2.4 missingMRZ The document could not be processed: The MRZ could not be found
2.5 missingPart The document could not be processed: One side of the document is missing
2.6 noIdFound The document could not be processed: Could not find any ID
3.0 expired The document has expired
4.0 toVerify We could not process all the controls on the given document, please review its authenticity
5.0 fraudulent At least one element on the document is suspected to be fraudulent
6.0 pepOrSanction The owner of the document is listed as a PEP or sanctioned person
7.0 owner The owner of the document does not match the user input
8.0 specimen The document has been found in our specimen database

The API accepts images or pdfs. Only one format is accepted at a time.
The API accepts the front and back on the same file or on two separate files (either 2 images or 2 pdf pages). A maximum of 2 pages is allowed.

For better results, it is highly recommended to provide documents under these properties:

  • The image resolution should be greater than 300 DPI to better information extraction.
  • The image resolution should be greater than 600 DPI to better verification.
  • The document must not be blurred or rotated.
  • In case of a photo document, make sure that the text area does not contain any highlights or shadows
  • The entire document must be in the frame
  • The document is fully visible in the frame.

Please note the following rate limits are applied :

  • Maximum file size: 5 MB.
  • Maximum number of calls per minute: 10 calls.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!