This synchronous API extract in real-time relevant information from Copy of the certificate of cohabitation or declaration of cohabitation document such as the names of the two concubines, their dates of birth, the common address, the date of declaration of cohabitation, the signatures of the two concubines, the officer's identification, and the certificate issue date.
Verifying the authenticity and accuracy of a Copy of the certificate of cohabitation or declaration of cohabitation document is important for various reasons. It helps ensure the validity of the document and the information it contains, preventing fraud and misrepresentation. By extracting key information from the document, such as the names of the concubines, their dates of birth, and the common address, it allows for easy verification and comparison with other records or documents. This can be useful for legal purposes, such as establishing the legal status of the concubines or for administrative purposes, such as updating official records.
Maximum file size: 5 MB.
Maximum number of calls per minute: 10 calls.
For better results, it is highly recommended to provide documents
under these properties :
- The image resolution should be greater than 200 DPI
- The document must not be blurred or rotated
- In case of a photo document, make sure that the text area does not contain any highlights or shadows
- The entire document must be in the frame