This synchronous API extracts in real-time information from French Certificates of Incorporation (Kbis):
The following information is extracted:
- Company Name Conformity:
- Check that the company name is valid using InseeAPI and the RCS registration number.
- Registration Date Conformity:
- Check that the registration date is valid using InseeAPI and the RCS registration number.
Extracted Information:
- RCS:
- RCS registration number and city (Immatriculation au RCS, numéro).
- Registration Date:
- Registration date (Date d'immatriculation).
- Company Address:
- Company address (Adresse du siège).
- Legal Form:
- The legal form of the company (SARL, SA, etc.) (Forme juridique).
- Capital:
- Social capital (Capital social).
- Activity:
- Company main activity (Activités principales).
- Transfer From:
- Transferred from and date (Transfert du).
- Original Registration Date:
- Original registration date (Date d'immatriculation d'origine).
- Duration:
- Company duration (Durée de la personne morale).
- Closing Date:
- Closing date of the financial year (Date de clôture de l'exercice social).
- First Closing Date:
- Closing date of the first financial year (Date de clôture du 1er l'exercice social).
- Code NAF:
- NAF code (Nomenclature d'activités française (code NAF)).
- Establishment Address:
- Establishment address (Adresse de l'établissement).
- Practiced Activities:
- Activity(ies) carried out by the company (Activité(s) exercée(s)).
- Activity Start Date:
- Start date of activity (Date de commencement d'activité).
- Code NAF Establishment:
- NAF code of the establishment (Nomenclature d'activités française de l'établissement (code NAF)).
- Commercial Name:
- Commercial name (Nom commercial).
- Origin of Funds or Activity:
- Origin of the funds or the activity (Origine du fonds ou de l'activité).
- Operating Mode:
- Operating mode (Mode d'exploitation).
- Date:
- Date (Date).
- List of members.
- Full Name:
- First and last name (Nom, Prénom).
- Birth Date:
- Birth date (Date de naissance).
- Birth Place:
- Birth place (Lieu de naissance).
- Citizenship:
- Citizenship (Nationalité).
- Personal Address:
- Personal Address (Domicile personnel).
- Usual Name:
- Usual name (Nom d'usage).
- Company Name:
- Company name (Dénomination).
- Company Address:
- Company address (Address).
- Legal Form:
- Legal form (Forme juridique).
- RCS:
- RCS number (Immatriculation au RCS, numéro).
- Full Name:
- List of mentions.
- Date:
- Mention's date (Date de la mention).
- Mention:
- Mention's text (le crops de la mention).
- Date:
Moreover, a check is made to the INSEE database in order to verify if the company name and registration date.
Maximum file size: 5 MB.
Maximum number of calls per minute: 10 calls.
For better results, it is highly recommended to provide documents
under these properties :
- The image resolution should be greater than 200 DPI
- The document must not be blurred or rotated

Document example