This synchronous API processes and controls official French ID documents:
- National ID Cards (2003 or 2021 model)
- Biometric Passports
- Living Permits (2011 or 2021 model)
- Driver License (2013 model)
The API extract in real-time relevant information and control information.
Control information (depends on the type of identity card):
- Global Status - is the identity card a real valid card: true or false
- Are the initials are present on the photo
- Is the MRZ stripe conform regarding other extracted information
- Is the MRZ stripe valid regarding other extracted information
- Is the photo present
- Are holographic symbols present
User input controls (verify if the expected information matches the extractions):
- first name
- last name
- birth date
- gender
- photo: The photo must be in portrait format and the face must be visible and not covered.
Information extracted cover:
- Card holder's first name
- Card holder's last name
- Card holder's birth date
- Card holder's birth place
- Card holder's address
- Card delivery date
- Card expiry date
- Card Id Number
- Card MRZ
The API accepts images or pdfs. Only one format is accepted at a time.
The API accepts the front and back on the same file or on two separate files (either 2 images or 2 pdf pages). A maximum of 2 pages is allowed.
For better results, it is highly recommended to provide documents under these properties:
- The image resolution should be greater than 200 DPI
- The document must not be blurred or rotated
- In case of a photo document, make sure that the text area does not contain any highlights or shadows
- The entire document must be in the frame
Please note the following rate limits are applied :
- Maximum file size: 5 MB.
- Maximum number of calls per minute: 10 calls.