Information extraction from status documents

This synchronous API extract in real-time relevant information from status document such as social name, legal form, headquarters, share capital, contributions of associates, company duration, business purpose, liquidation conditions, general meeting admission conditions, quorum and majority rules, appointment, powers and revocation of executives, financial year, profit allocation, and statute modification conditions.

status documents are legal documents that outline the rules and regulations governing a company. Verifying these documents is important for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that the company is operating within the legal framework and complying with all necessary regulations. Secondly, it provides transparency and accountability to shareholders and stakeholders. Finally, it helps potential investors and partners make informed decisions about the company.

The extracted key information from status documents includes:

  • Social Name: The official name of the company.
  • Legal Form: The legal structure or type of the company.
  • Headquarters: The physical location of the company's main office.
  • Share Capital: The total value of the company's shares.
  • Contributions of Associates: The contributions made by the company's associates or shareholders.
  • Company Duration: The length of time the company is expected to operate.
  • Business Purpose: The specific activities or objectives of the company.
  • Liquidation Conditions: The conditions under which the company may be liquidated.
  • General Meeting Admission Conditions: The requirements for attending and participating in general meetings.
  • Quorum and Majority Rules: The minimum number of attendees and voting requirements for decision-making.
  • Appointment: The process of appointing executives or directors.
  • Powers and Revocation of Executives: The authority and ability to remove executives from their positions.
  • Financial Year: The period of time used for financial reporting and accounting purposes.
  • Profit Allocation: The distribution of profits among shareholders or partners.
  • Statute Modification Conditions: The conditions and procedures for making changes to the company's status.

Maximum file size: 5 MB.
Maximum number of calls per minute: 10 calls.

For better results, it is highly recommended to provide documents
under these properties :

  • The image resolution should be greater than 200 DPI
  • The document must not be blurred or rotated
  • In case of a photo document, make sure that the text area does not contain any highlights or shadows
  • The entire document must be in the frame
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