
2024-09 Changelog

🆕 Added

  • Added: Four new fields in payslip
    • downPayment: Extracts "acompte ou avance sur salaire" if it exists.
    • salaryDeduction: Extracts "saisie ou pénalité sur salaire" if it exists.
    • hasSalaryDeduction: True if there is a "saisie ou pénalité" in the salary.
    • hasDownPayment: True if there is an "acompte ou avance" in the salary.

✅ Improved

  • Controls nSSConformity and SSCeilingConformity in payslip now return 'None' if the required information is unavailable in the extracted data.
  • Passport validity for minors is now 5 years (instead of the default 10 years).
    This adjustment is now reflected in the date conformity control.
  • Better orientation correction for bank details.
  • Language proficiency test templates for TOEIC 1 and TOEIC 3.
  • Fixed bugs related to expiry date extraction for driver licenses and residence permits.